AM or PM Shower: Does It Really Matter When You Clean?

Do you take your shower in the morning like a beacon of cleanliness, ready to tackle the day? Or do you reserve it for the evening, washing away the stress (and grime) of the day just before hitting the pillow?
While some might argue that showering is merely a functional necessity, like brushing your teeth or remembering to charge your phone (both important, by the way), others believe that when you choose to lather up says a lot about your personality.
So, does it actually matter when you shower, or is this just another polarizing debate to add to the list right next to pineapple on pizza? Let’s dive in—cleanly, of course.
The Morning Shower: The Ritual of Champions
If you’re a morning showerer, you likely believe there’s no better way to start the day. You wake up, head foggy, maybe a little grumpy, and what’s the cure? A steamy, refreshing shower with a splash of CBD-infused suds for that extra zen boost. It's like pressing the reset button on your brain while giving yourself a solid 15-minute pep talk for the day ahead.
Benefits of Morning Showers:
- Boosts alertness. That blast of cold water (if you're brave) jolts you awake better than any cup of coffee.
- Creative thinking. Some studies suggest you’re more creative during a morning shower, a phenomenon experts refer to as 'the shower effect.' Maybe it’s because your mind is relaxed, or maybe it's because you're rehearsing your Grammy acceptance speech while rinsing off.
- A fresh start. You walk out the door feeling squeaky clean, like a new human, ready to conquer the day. Bad hair day? Not today, Satan.
But not all is glistening with morning showers. If you’re the type who hits snooze 17 times, hopping in the shower can feel like an Olympic feat. And let’s not forget the risk—yes, risk—of being late for work because you got carried away in your own personal concert.
The Nighttime Shower: The Zen Master’s Approach
On the flip side, we have the nighttime shower crowd. These folks believe that a good, hot soak before bed is the ultimate relaxation technique. Whether you’ve been slogging through Zoom meetings or wrangling kids all day, a nighttime shower is like a liquid lullaby, preparing you for a peaceful sleep.
Benefits of Nighttime Showers:
- Washing off the day. Let’s face it: cities are dirty, sweat happens, and that guy who sneezed next to you on the subway? Yeah, you’re going to want to rinse that off.
- Better sleep. Studies show that showering in the evening can help lower your body temperature, signaling to your brain that it’s time to sleep. Your bed won’t know what hit it.
- Time to unwind. There’s no rush when you shower at night. No deadline, no impending Zoom call. It’s just you, the steam, and the sound of water to help you chill.
But, of course, the nighttime shower isn’t without its drawbacks. Some people say it messes with their hair (hello, bedhead), and others claim it takes too long to wind down after the shower. And heaven forbid you forget to change your sheets and end up with clean skin on dirty bedding—nightmare fuel, for sure.
The Case for Showering... Twice?
Now, there are those out there—the shower overachievers—who prefer to shower both in the morning and at night. They say, “Why choose?” These folks are probably the same ones who run marathons and have a meticulously organized spice rack.
Showering twice does have its benefits:
- You’re always clean (duh).
- Both worlds collide, offering morning invigoration and nighttime zen.
- You get two chances a day to belt out Beyoncé in your personal mini concert hall.
But let’s not gloss over the cost—that’s double the water, double the shampoo, and possibly double the time trying to deal with soggy bath mats. Also, there’s the looming risk of turning your skin into the Sahara Desert if you’re not careful with your moisturizing game.
Does It Really Matter When You Shower?
Okay, now that we’ve scrubbed through the pros and cons, it’s time for the real question: Does it actually matter when you shower? The short answer is: no. But the long answer is: kind of, but only in how it affects your personal routine and well-being.
If you’re a morning person who gets energy from a brisk a.m. rinse, stick with that! If the thought of facing the day without a shower sounds like blasphemy, that’s your truth. On the other hand, if you can’t imagine sliding into bed without a nice, hot soak, rock on with your nighttime ritual.
The truth is, whether you prefer a morning refresh or an evening unwind, it all boils down to what works best for your lifestyle, schedule, and personal preferences. If you feel energized, relaxed, or even just human after your shower, you’re already winning at life. Plus, as long as you’re keeping up with basic hygiene, you’re good to go in society’s eyes.
Bonus Tip: It’s Not Just About Timing
Showering isn’t just about when you do it—it’s also about how you do it. Whether you're a daytime scrubber or a nighttime soaker, having a luxurious shower routine can elevate the experience from "just getting clean" to "self-care heaven."
Consider adding some indulgence to your shower routine, like a CBD-infused natural soap or an exfoliating scrub that makes your skin glow like you just returned from a week at the spa. And yes, don’t forget the shower steamers—just because you’re not in a bath doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a good fizz and a burst of soothing scent!
Our verdict? Clean is clean.
So, does it matter when you shower? Only if it matters to you. Whether you rise with the sun and lather up to start your day or wind down with a calming evening rinse, both routines have their perks. What’s important is that you find a routine that leaves you feeling fresh, clean, and ready to tackle whatever life throws your way—even if that’s just Netflix and chill in your freshly showered glory.
And for those twice-a-day showerers... we see you. You’re living the dream, squeaky clean, one shower at a time.